In Line with the new EU Directive of June 23, 2011 for the protection of online shoppers (the directive will be transposed into Italian law by 2013):

 1 – Buy on Amoflex

Products purchased on Amoflex are sold directly.
The operational headquarters of Amoflex sas di Salvador Marianna & C is in via Partigiani 15, 31010 Orsago (TV) The prices shown in the quote are in Euros and include VAT; the same total shown in the quote is summarized in the order confirmation form that the customer receives by email.

2 – Purchasing Procedure.

1. To conclude the purchase contract on Amoflex “A Love of Home” you need to complete the Amoflex electronic order form.
2. The contract is concluded when Amoflex receives the correctly completed order form and the corresponding payment.
In the very rare circumstance that a product chosen by the buyer is no longer available at the time the order form is sent, it will be the responsibility of Amoflex to proceed to refund the amount already paid in advance.
4. By transmitting the order form electronically, the buyer agrees to abide by all General Terms and Conditions of Sale on this page.
5. The on-line sales contract between the Customer and the Supplier is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian Law.
6. If you do not agree with any of the terms in the General Conditions of Sale, we invite you not to place your order and to contact the staff of Amoflex for any clarification.

3  – Shipping and Delivery

Delivery of the supply is initiated only when the order has been paid for and is made by express couriers with telephone notice; the Standard Shipping service is intended for street level delivery and the customer must cooperate with the driver to unload the packages from the side of the truck, sometimes providing other people depending on the size and weight of the item purchased.
Amoflex is legally responsible for the goods until delivery and our products travel covered by insurance only for amounts over 600€.
In order to be able to put in place any recourse action against the carrier in case of goods damaged due to transportation, it is made mandatory for the receiver to accept the package(s) with specific reservation.
Without this clause, it will not be possible to attribute to the carrier any damage found when opening the package and consequently replace the goods.

4 – Shipping Costs

The cost of shipping within the national territory is 10€: for orders with Total Products over € 250.00 Standard Shipping is free of charge.
Standard Shipping means shipment at street level to destinations that do not fall within the so-called Special Locations.
Amoflex performs a check on the shipping address entered and informs the Customer of any surcharges for Special Locations: in this case the Customer has the right not to confirm the Order.

5 – Any Unavailability

Amoflex works daily to keep its online catalog up-to-date.
Due to the large number of items and collections we offer it may happen that a particular option is no longer available.
In such cases Amoflex will promptly notify the Customer, who can decide whether to make changes to the order or request a refund of the amount paid.
In the case of supplies consisting of several products, the possible non-availability of an item is a prerequisite for a refund of the amount paid for the share related to the unavailable item; of course, any complementarity between the individual items (flat plates combined with soup plates, lampshades combined with lamp bases, …) is considered on a case-by-case basis.

6 – Limits of use

The staff of Amoflex works constantly to update the information presented.
At the same time, the sheer volume of content developed makes it possible for inaccuracies to exist.
It is our daily responsibility to work for ever greater accuracy and degree of depth, but it is also responsibility of the customer to ensure the truthfulness of details that should be deemed essential to his or her satisfaction and necessary to proceed with the purchase: as non-exhaustive examples the case of purchasing goods to complement products or collections already in possession (where the Customer is required to check their matching and color compatibility), goods with measurements just smaller than the available space (where the Customer is required to contact us for a dimensional verification of the product and possibly advice on the criteria for taking measurements in the environment), or even the rare case of any Product Sheets that might report discordant information in different places on the sheet itself (the Customer is required to read the entire Product Sheet).
Tutti i produttori, fornitori di Amoflex sas., lavorano continuamente per il miglioramento dei prodotti offerti, riservandosi quindi di apportare modifiche tecniche e dimensionali senza preventiva segnalazione nel caso in cui queste modifiche non alterino significativamente il contenuto estetico dei prodotti e il loro uso / ergonomia.
Amoflex si riserva di apportare modifiche ai nomi di alcuni prodotti o parti di essi al fine di rispettare eventuali accordi con i produttori.
Su alcuni prodotti presentati senza la pubblicazione del marchio di produzione possono quindi essere applicate etichette di prodotto che riportano nomi diversi da quelli pubblicati su Amoflex: queste variazioni non possono essere in alcun modo presupposto di risoluzione contrattuale per “non conformità” in quanto il “nome del prodotto” non può essere ritenuto elemento fondante del valore offerto al consumatore dal prodotto stesso.

7 – Right of Withdrawal

The consumer has the right to withdraw from any distance contract, without penalty and without specifying the reason, within the period of 14 days from the day of delivery to the consumer. The consumer may not exercise the right of withdrawal for contracts for the supply of any non-prefabricated goods produced on the basis of an individual consumer choice .
For more details you can view the Right of Withdrawal page on the website.

8 – Reporting any issues after Delivery

This point explains how to assist the Customer in the days immediately following Delivery: the procedures described herein are not intended in any way to limit the Warranty Rights granted to the Consumer by the Consumer Code, but only to create a common basis for offering each Customer the best possible assistance.
In the interest of the Customer, should any type of problem be encountered with respect to the delivered products, Customer Service is constantly working for the correct allocation of responsibilities to the different actors in the supply chain leading from the production of the good in the factory to the actual enjoyment of the good by the consumer; these “actors” are the producer of the good, Amoflex sas in the capacity of seller, the transporter engaged by Amoflex sas (and of which Amoflex sas is liable, if necessary, by recourse to the insurance for transport damage), and the Customer himself who receives the supply, carries out the floor handling and assembly (possibly delegating these stages to third parties).
At the time of unloading the supply at the delivery address, during assembly, and in the moments immediately following the conclusion of the assembly itself, the Customer is required to follow the Detailed Procedure and the Delivery Notes at every stage: in this way the Customer can receive from our Customer Service the best possible assistance and be fully protected, either from possible production defects or from transport damage (cases both “not frequent” but certainly “not impossible”). If a Client fails to follow the points outlined in the Procedure, there may be a possible inability to attribute specific responsibility of the above “actors” regarding the problem encountered. In some cases, it may then be necessary to proceed to the involvement of the Customer in any replacement costs of defective or damaged parts; in these cases Amoflex sas still works to the satisfaction of the Customer, reserving, however, a specific evaluation from case to case. Basically, this procedure is used to confirm to Amoflex Customer Service. That any problems encountered were not caused by the Customer himself (or persons delegated by him): every procedure expressed here serves precisely to effectively protect our clients.

9 – Warranty

The products are accompanied by a regular sales invoice valid for the 12-month warranty on conformity defects, rendered by Amoflex sas under the Consumer Code; for purchases invoiced to persons with VAT number and companies, the warranty is 6 months. For more information Guarantees and quality

10 – Processing of Personal Data

This is a privacy policy for the processing of personal data that is made pursuant to Art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/03 (hereinafter Privacy Code) for users of our site. The policy does not apply to other websites that may be accessed through our links. The Data Controller of personal data, relating to identified or identifiable persons processed as a result of consulting our site, is the legal representative of Amoflex sas. No data from the web service is disclosed or disseminated to third parties. Personal data provided by users who submit requests for services are used for the sole purpose of performing the requested service or performance and are not disclosed to third parties unless disclosure is required by law or is strictly necessary for the fulfillment of requests. For more information visit the page: Processing of Personal Data