La collezione Dominique Kieffer by Rubelli nasce dall’incontro di due mondi. La magia di Rubelli costruita su un saper fare che ha radici lontane nel tempo. E il mondo colorato, eclettico e non convenzionale di Paola Navone.
The Dominique Kieffer by Rubelli collection comes out from two worlds meeting. The magic of Rubelli, built on a savoir-faire that has its roots from the past. And the colourful, eclectic and unconventional world of Paola Navone
The Dominique Kieffer by Rubelli collection comes out from two worlds meeting. The magic of Rubelli, built on a savoir-faire that has its roots from the past. And the colourful, eclectic and unconventional world of Paola Navone